Our brand, V-GUM, originates from the concept of Versatility. There are many reasons people chew gum: to focus their mind, to freshen up, to indulge in flavors, to clean their teeth and brighten their smile!
We want to portray a young and flavorful brand that can accommodate your current state of mind or mood. The need for some fun in chewing gum was the main driver behind the idea, as well as the true passion both Abdulaziz and Orlin share for gum!
As part of the Versatility concept, we aspire to connect a particular need and craving with a certain benefit and flavor to satisfy it. For example, if you need to freshen your breath, V-GUM offers two options to choose from – Fresh Peppermint and Fresh Spearmint. If you seek to indulge in tasteful flavor, you can opt for V-GUM’s Sweet Strawberry or Sweet Watermelon. All other benefits of V-GUM will be positioned this way in the future.
When creating the idea, the two co-founders developed a shared understanding which symbolizes their vision: “to deliver top quality for everything we do”. This is our business philosophy and our credo. This vision informs our actions and product, namely, the gum, the long-lasting flavor, the packaging, the shop stands, the POS materials and the communication with and connection to the customers!